In the 3rd day of the First Ever Model OIC Arabic for High Schools, youth delegates comprising 170 students from more than 40 OIC Member States

In the 3rd day of the First Ever Model OIC Arabic for High Schools, youth delegates comprising 170 students from more than 40 OIC Member States, were actively engaged in the simulation of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers, where they intensely discussed and lobbied for relevant resolutions on Al-Quds, including on political, economic, human rights and youth policy. In the spirit of Islamic Solidarity towards the just cause of Al-Quds, those resolutions and the Istanbul Declaration were unanimously adopted by all participants within the rules of procedures implemented in the meetings of OIC.

It should be noted that, the youth delegates have placed high dedication, sincerity and efforts towards ensuring that all aforementioned documents would mirror the concerns the Muslim World has in regards to Palestine.

Al-Quds OIC Youth Capital 2018 – Full story of the Launch of the Al-Quds Al-Sharif – Islamic World Youth Capital 2018 Program in Palestine

#AlQudsOICYouthCapital2018 – Full story of the Launch of the Al-Quds Al-Sharif – Islamic World Youth Capital 2018 Program in Palestine

Launch of the National Youth Council of Palestine, which expressed its dedication to uniting and engaging all Palestinian youth, advocating youth interests and representing the cause of Palestine throughout the world.

Al Quds OIC Youth Capital 2018 – Full story of the Launch of the Al-Quds Al-Sharif – Islamic World Youth Capital 2018 Program in Palestine

#AlQudsOICYouthCapital2018 – Full story of the Launch of the Al-Quds Al-Sharif – Islamic World Youth Capital 2018 Program in Palestine

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas expresses high appreciation for the Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation’s efforts and work towards supporting of the Palestinian Youth and Cause, as well as preserving the Islamic Character of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

The 1st Meeting of the “Al-Quds OIC Youth Capital 2018” Council of Patrons begins with the participation of Ministers of Youth and Sports of the OIC Member States

The 1st Meeting of the “Al-Quds OIC Youth Capital 2018” Council of Patrons begins with the participation of Ministers of Youth and Sports of the OIC Member States.

6th February 2018, Ramallah, Palestine

#OpeningCeremony of the #AlQudsOICYouthCapital2018 international programme

30 delegations arrived to Ramallah, Palestine for the Grand Opening of Al Quds Youth Capital 2018

Over 30 delegations arrived to Ramallah, Palestine for the Grand Opening of #AlQudsYouthCapital 2018 after hours of overcoming border control, difficulty and taking detours on isolated and treacherous roads.

Inshallah Al-Aqsa, the furthest Mosque, will become closer…

Closely follow the ICYF narrative on the program unfolding step-by-step on our social media accounts.



ICYF denounces all recent provocative messages spread in social media campaign targeting the unity and integrity of the Organization with regard to recently announced lunch of “Al-Quds Ash-Sharif – OIC Youth Capital 2018” #AlQudsYouthCapital Programme, as completely false and provocative.

So called “informed social media accounts” recently spread information that decision on #AlQudsYouthCapital Programme was opposed by the number of ICYF member organizations. They further speculate that some ICYF organizations “backed by respective Member States” “appealed to OIC and certain countries to question and apply diplomatic pressure” on ICYF leadership.

ICYF would like to underline that such messages are false and groundless. All important decisions are being adopted through democratic procedure at ICYF relevant bodies. Thus, the announcement of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif as the OIC Youth Capital on 25 July 2017 was fully supported by ICYF Executive Board; unanimously adopted at the Selection Committee (comprising of authorities of hosts to previous Youth capitals and the OIC General Secretariat along with ICYF); and further welcomed by the Final Communiqué of the OIC Executive Committee held at the level of Foreign Ministers, on 01 August 2017. The recent review of preparations for the Programme opening also demonstrated a great attendance by a number of Member States and organizations.

However, the timing of such “news” distribution 6 month after announcement of the Programme, and few days in advance of its actual launch in Palestine is indication that certain quarters are disturbed by ICYF recent activity – be it on promotion of youth solidarity on Al-Quds issue or principal position on soonest adoption of the OIC Youth Strategy and intend. Thus, these messages aim to intimidate ICYF decision-making organs to retract from its principal position by emphasizing on “possible consequences”. ICYF recalls once again that “Al-Quds – OIC Youth Capital 2018” Programme is the 1st practical implementation of unanimous position on Al-Quds declared during the OIC Istanbul Extraordinary Summit held on December 13th, 2017 and in line with international consensus on 2-state solution of the Palestinian conflict. Therefore, support toward ICYF at this crucial juncture is a vivid test to the Member States commitment to their declaration on Al-Quds at the highest level.

ICYF states that such black-mailing can not detract it from following its course in the interest of Muslim youth of our geography. Moreover, in line with the above stated, provocative actions aimed at targeting ICYF and the success of the important year-long programme on Al-Quds will be closely watched so the initiators and implementers to be disclosed to the OIC Member States, ICYF member organizations and youth audience at large.

ICYF Strongly Condemns the U.S. President’s Decision to Violate International Law and Recognise Al-Quds as the Capital of Israel

By unanimous decision of its Board, the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), an international institution affiliated to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), strongly condemns the U.S. President’s decision to recognize Al-Quds (Jerusalem) as the capital of Israel.

The unilateral and ill-advised decision by the U.S. President Donald Trump not only disrupts any attempt at peace or reconciliation, it also undermines the prospect of a just solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Moreover, this decision contradicts the opinion of the international community; violates international law; harms the status of the United States as an objective “honest broker” in its mediation efforts and emboldens the appeal of radicals and extremists in the region.

During this fragile period when the Middle East region needs tranquility and peace more than all else, ICYF calls upon the OIC Heads of States to show necessary solidarity and reactions for the taking of adequate and effective action during their Extraordinary Summit to be held in Istanbul, on 13 December 2017, upon invitation of H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of the Republic of Turkey, in his capacity as the current chair of the OIC Summit Conference.