Inaugural Ceremony

Among the 1.8 billion Muslims around the world, a major part is youth right now. Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the OIC Youth Capital Dhaka will be inaugurated with aims to bring the youth and their spirit together from every corner around the world. With online participation of the youth from 57 OIC member countries, the Youth Capital Dhaka programs will be inaugurated by the Honorable Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Her Excellency Sheikh Hasina.

Resilient Youth Leadership Summit

DHAKA has been announced as the “OIC Youth Capital 2020” marking the recognition of the remarkable achievement of Bangladesh in its youth sector. Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), an entity affiliated to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), made this declaration on 25 December 2019.

Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), Ministry of Youth and Sports of the People`s Republic of Bangladesh and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People`s Republic of Bangladesh is organizing “Resilient Youth Leadership Summit” as the first ever activity under the frame work of Dhaka – OIC Youth Capital 2020 International Programme on 27 – 28 July 2020.

In the current COVID context, more than ten elaborate virtual mega-events engaging youth from across the globe have been designed for celebrating “Dhaka – OIC Youth Capital 2020”. The convergence of the yearlong events with the grand celebration of Bangabandhu Birth Centenary has amplified its significance to a great extent. Dhaka-OIC Youth Capital 2020 will kick-off with a virtual inauguration ceremony on 27th July 2020 by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh. This inauguration ceremony will be followed by a virtual youth summit titled “Resilient Youth Leadership Summit” on 28th July 2020, where global youth leaders will participate in various day long activities to learn and craft the strategies to build a Resilient World, particularly, in the context of this COVID-19 pandemic situation.

This programme is particularly important in the COVID-19 and post-COVID recovery and reconstruction of an equitable global economic order. Emphasizes on the leadership, vision, ideation and imagination of the youth for constructing an innovative, resilient, and inclusive narrative to ensure a leadership position in the affairs of the world. Dhaka-OIC Youth Capital 2020 believes that each new life comes with a potential and a promise. It’s in the youth that this potential or the promise is embodied in the personality that the young human being slowly acquires. This identity is impregnated with the acquired knowledge and experiences of all faiths, belief systems, ethnicities and national identities that the great human civilization has acquired over the many millennia of its existence in the universe. The more layered, textured and nuanced this identity is, the richer that life form becomes. Resilient Youth leadership Summit aims to bring together the individuals with promise for a better today and a for a brighter tomorrow.

Bangabandhu Global Youth Award​

The name of “Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman” holds a paramount significance for Bangladesh. A leader, statesman of such magnitude is a rarity. His struggle for the emancipation of the people of Bangladesh is unprecedented in history. He was not only the “Best Bangladeshi Ever” but also a Youth Icon. Just like he put on his great effort to shape up this country from scratch, with this award we want to introduce the world to the youth who placed an outstanding contribution in the field of Innovation, Environment, Humanitarianism, Sports, Culture & Arts, Entrepreneurship etc. in order to start transforming this world into a better place for all of us.


The name of “Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman” holds a paramount significance for Bangladesh. A leader, statesman of such magnitude is a rarity. His struggle for the emancipation of the people of Bangladesh is unprecedented in history. The speech delivered by him on 7th March, 1971 is considered as one of the “Best Speeches” in the history of the world which earned him the title of “Poet of Politics”. He has staked his life for his people every time it was needed. He has served imprisonment for his people time and again. We have witnessed his highest contribution for the cause of mother language movement, Six Point Demand, The Mass Uprising of 69, The election of 70 and finally during the liberation war of Bangladesh. Hearing his clarion call for independence, people from all walks of life irrespective of religion, cast and creed sacrificed their lives.

After the liberation, he shouldered the mountainous task of building the war ravaged country. In every part of the world he travelled, he was received with high honor and elevated appreciation. He relentlessly strived to build a prosperous country free from hunger, poverty and corruption. The history of Bangladesh is interwoven with the history of Bangabandhu. He wanted to give the people of Bangladesh a unique identity defined by its enriched culture, history and heritage. This is why he is termed as the “Father of the Nation”. The Year 2020 is the Birth Centenary of Bangabandhu. Bangladesh would like to recognize and award the Young Generation for their outstanding contribution in the field of Innovation, Environment, Humanitarianism, Sports, Culture & Arts, Entrepreneurship. “Bangabandhu Global Youth Award” is the exhibition of our love and respect towards Bangabandhu and to the Youth.

This program is particularly important in the COVID-19 and post-COVID recovery and reconstruction of an equitable global economic order. Bangladesh emphasizes on the leadership, vision, ideation and imagination of the youth for constructing an innovative, resilient, and inclusive narrative to ensure a leadership position in the affairs of the world. Bangladesh believes that each new life comes with a potential and a promise. It’s in the youth that this potential or the promise is embodied in the personality that the young human being slowly acquires. This identity is impregnated with the acquired knowledge and experiences of all faiths, belief systems, ethnicities and national identities that the great human civilization has acquired over the many millennia of its existence in the universe. The more layered, textured and nuanced this identity is, the richer that life form becomes.


  • Showing gratitude to the deserving youth for their outstanding contributions.
  • Motivate others to get into the same path.
  • Providing a sense to the Youth all over the world about the significance of their roles for this world.
  • Providing an idea to all the countries about what the youth of other countries are up to.

Program Elements

  • Awards will be given in the following criteria:
    • Innovation
    • Environment
    • Humanitarianism
    • Sports, Culture & Arts
    • Entrepreneurship
  • Registration forms will be uploaded in the website
  • Youths will register by filling the form
  • Among them, the best from each criteria will be shortlisted
  • They will be awarded with “Bangabandhu Global Youth Award

Program Format & Timeline

  • Awards will be presented according to the set benchmarks for each criteria
  • For further information, the participants might be asked for joining a meeting over “Zoom”
  • The program will be announced on the opening ceremony (27th July). The deadline will be mentioned in the application form and the award will be provided during the Closing Ceremony

* Application deadline will be strictly maintained and participants who won’t be providing all the details and requirements will be disqualified


All the attended participants will be awarded with Certification from both Bangladesh Government & ICYF

Prize Money

There will be 1 winner per category. The winner from each category will receive a prize money of 1000 USD

Who Can Apply?

  • Citizen of the OIC Member States or representative of a Muslim community in a non-OIC Member State
  • Ability to communicate in English
  • Well conversant in digital technology with good internet connectivity.
  • Aged between 18–35

Program Rules

  • The Participant must be entered in one of the five categories listed on this page. Each participant may be nominated in only one category.
  • Participants must be from 18 to 35 years old for both genders
  • Participation is allowed to the people of OIC Member States or representatives of Islamic communities in other countries.
  • The participant must adhere to the event’s regulations and procedures as stated by the organizing committee
  • Form will only be accepted in English.


Selection Committee will evaluate the applications based on eligibility and criteria if the committee decides for further information can set online interview as the last stage of selection.

Selected participants will receive an email confirmation containing online program details. Due to a tight schedule, there will be not an opportunity to inform those who are not selected. The general information on selection results will be posted at ICYF website and social media accounts.

Announcement of The Event: 27th July, 2020 (Inaugural Ceremony)
Award Presentation: During the Closing Ceremony

Important Note: Only selected participants will be informed.

For further queries, email us at registration.dhaka@oicyouthcapital.com.


Innovation is more than invention or discovery. It’s finding new solutions to both old and new problems from within and beyond the existing architecture. Dhaka as OIC Youth Capital 2020 recognizes the philosophy and priority of the youth across the Muslim world which combines different leadership styles to bring changes in idea generation, Evaluation and implementation for the greater good of the humanity. Design thinking and systems engineering are core components of this ideation.


Prosperity cannot be devoid of environmental responsibility. Dhaka wants to recognize youth of the Muslim world who look at environmental problems in light of their own experience and moral values, and are committed to leveraging their area of expertise to realize sustainable development in their professional and private lives, and exercise leadership in fulfilling their social and environmental obligations for the survival of the planet and its many life forms.


Dhaka wants to recognize the youth across the Muslim world who embraces humanity and advocate social change through volunteer activism. Convening the youth leaders across the Muslim world- Dhaka aim to re-inspire and reinvigorate a commitment to humanity and to the universality of humanitarian principles. Dhaka wishes to recognize those who can stand up and face challenges – such as the Rohingya crisis – as they would inevitably approach humanity from time to time.

Sports, Culture & Arts

Sports, Culture and Art portray the spirit of Youth and Society. Indeed, they are the finer aspects of being a human. These are three of the finest ways of showcasing someone’s talent and creativity. Sports, Culture and Art can bring people together from every walk of life breaking the prejudices and weave them into a team. It is an integral part of a society. Bangladesh would like to award and recognize the Youth who have contributed to the field of Sports, Culture and Arts. Leadership in these fields would be recognized both for individual excellence and social sector contribution.


Youth entrepreneurship has a verifiable impact on social as well as cultural and economic progress of the society and indeed the country. Building an environment that promotes creatively and provides opportunities for entrepreneurship calls for multi-pronged strategies implementation and involvement at all levels including Government, industry, political, social as well as educational sectors. Dhaka wants to recognize the youth entrepreneurs across the Muslim world who have contributed to change the world with their business idea and paved way for a better future and progressive societies world over. Entrepreneurs are the fresh blood which fuels the economy. Dhaka wishes to recognize and connect them to the thriving entrepreneurial ambience both in the country and across much of the young Muslim Ummah.

OIC Knowledge Master

One of the main difficulties the youth face nowadays is about making right decisions fast. Being able to do this will save them a lot of time and they will get a lot more time for shaping the decision better afterwards. By this competition, we want to break this stiffness and help the youth making most of their time during this pandemic.


  • This is a quiz competition
  • The questions will be designed in such a manner, which will make the participants think critically
  • This will help the youth polishing up their Critical Thinking skill
  • Also our plan is to help them in learning quick and efficient decision making

Program Elements

  • The competition will consist several short and critical questions
  • 1 individual per country will be shortlisted for the final competition
  • The final competition will take place on “Zoom”
  • Individual answering maximum number of correct answer in the most minimum time will be declared as the winner

Program Format & Timeline

  • Winner, 1st runner up and 2nd runner up will be awarded
  • “Zoom” will be the main implementation channel
  • The event will last from 8th November, 2020 to 15th November, 2020
  • Registration will last from 3rd November, 2020 to 5th November, 2020

*Application deadline will be strictly maintained and participants who won’t be providing all the details and requirements will be disqualified


All the attended participants will be awarded with Certification from both ICYF President and Foreign/Youth & Sports Ministry of Bangladesh.


  • Winner: 2000 USD
  • 1st Runner Up: 1000 USD
  • 2nd Runner Up: 750 USD
  • Who Can Apply?
  • Citizen of the OIC Member States or representative of a Muslim community in a non-OIC Member State
  • Individuals with outstanding Critical Thinking ability
  • Individuals who can make correct decisions quickly
  • Ability to communicate in English
  • Individuals with high speed internet connection as the quiz will be conducted on “Zoom”
  • Well conversant in digital technology with good internet connectivity.
  • Aged between 18–35

Program Rules

  • Participants must be from 18 to 35 years old for both genders
  • Participation is allowed to the people of OIC Member States or representatives of Islamic communities in other countries.
  • The participant must adhere to the event’s regulations and procedures as stated by the organizing committee
  • Form will only be accepted in English.


Selection Committee will evaluate the applications based on eligibility and criteria if the committee decides for further information can set online interview as the last stage of selection.

Selected participants will receive an email confirmation containing online program details. Due to a tight schedule, there will be not an opportunity to inform those who are not selected. The general information on selection results will be posted at ICYF website and social media accounts.

Important Note: Only selected participants will be informed.

Application Deadline: 5th November, 2020 at 23:59 (GMT +6, Dhaka Time)
Announcement of Selection: 7thNovember, 2020

For further queries, email us at registration.dhaka@oicyouthcapital.com

(Registration will be open before the program.)

Digital Art Exhibition

Bangladesh announces the call for applications from the prospective participants in the Art Exhibition as part of its yearlong festivities of “Dhaka, OIC Youth Capital 2020”. The exhibition will be done fully on a digital platform where the arts will be uploaded and showed to everyone. The artwork will be uploaded by the participants and the best among them will be showcased in the exhibition where the viewers can vote for their favorite.


  • This event is to harness and showcase the creativity of the youth
  • This event is to promote the freedom of expression of the youth
  • The art will be showcased to give the youth a platform to show their many talents and make their voice heard
  • The participants can make their opinions heard through their work
  • This helps the youth in critical thinking as well

Program Elements

  • World-renowned artists will talk about art and how COVID 19 has an impact on it
  • The artists will have to fill up a form and submit their art
  • The art will be displayed digitally in an exhibition
  • The viewers will be given the option to choose their favorite artist from the exhibition
  • The scores from the judge the people will be taken into account and the winner will be declared

Program Format and Timeline

  • The program will be a combination of Facebook live and digital exhibition.
  • Timeline: 7 – 15 October 2020

*** The online platform and its technical information pack will be shared only with the selected participants.


Full attended participants will be awarded a verified certificate issued by the Bangladesh Government, ICYF and World Scout

Prize Money

Based on the evaluation of the submitted policy paper and the engagements of the participants during the virtual session, prize money will be awarded.

  1. Winner: 2000 USD
  2. 1st Runner Up: 1000 USD
  3. 2nd Runner Up: 750 USD


  • Citizen of the OIC Member States or representative of a Muslim community in a non-OIC Member State
  • Ability to communicate in English
  • Well conversant in digital technology with good internet connectivity.
  • Aged between 18–35
  • Interested in art and culture


Selection Committee will evaluate the applications based on eligibility and criteria if the committee decides for further information can set an online interview as the last stage of selection.

Selected participants will receive an email confirmation containing online program details. Due to a tight schedule, there will be not an opportunity to inform those who are not selected. The general information on selection results will be posted at the ICYF website and social media accounts.

Important Note: Only selected participants will be informed.

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 3 October 2020 at 23:59 (GMT+6, Dhaka TIME)

For more questions email us at registration.dhaka@oicyouthcapital.com.


(Registration will be open before the program)

Debate Competition

Bangladesh announces the call for applications from the prospective participants in the Debate Competition as part of its year long festivities of “Dhaka, OIC Youth Capital 2020”. The competition aims to talk about and argue about the current world affairs which need to be addressed by the youth. The competition will be done fully on a digital platform where the final round will be broadcast online for everyone to watch.


  • This event is to harness and showcase the knowledge and debating skills of the youth
  • This event is to promote the freedom of speech of the youth
  • The final round will be broadcast live to give the youth a platform to show skills and make their voice heard
  • The participants can make their opinions heard through their work
  • This helps the youth in critical thinking as well

Program Elements

  • The competition will be arranged in the Round-Robin format; each team will face every other team
  • 4 teams will be forwarded to the semifinal and two teams will take part in the final competition
  • The participants will have to fill up a form and submit a video of their team to show us their debating capability and if they are qualified enough to represent their country
  • The final round will be broadcasted digitally

Program Format and Timeline

  • The program will be a combination of Facebook live and zoom meetings for different head to head fights.
  • Timeline: 28 – 30 October 2020

*** The online platform and its technical information pack will be shared only with the selected participants.


Full attended participants will be awarded a verified certificate issued by the Bangladesh Government and ICYF

Prize Money

Based on the evaluation of the submitted policy paper and the engagements of the participants during the virtual session, prize money will be awarded.

  1. Winner: 2000 USD
  2. 1st Runner Up: 1000 USD
  3. 2nd Runner Up: 750 USD


  • Citizen of the OIC Member States or representative of a Muslim community in a non-OIC Member State
  • Ability to communicate in English
  • Well conversant in digital technology with good internet connectivity.
  • Aged between 18–35
  • Interested in debating, international affairs and general knowledge


Selection Committee will evaluate the applications based on eligibility and criteria if the committee decides for further information can set an online interview as the last stage of selection.

Selected participants will receive an email confirmation containing online program details. Due to a tight schedule, there will be not an opportunity to inform those who are not selected. The general information on selection results will be posted on the ICYF website and social media accounts.

Important Note: Only selected participants will be informed.

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 23 October 2020 at 23:59 (GMT+6, Dhaka TIME)

For more questions email us at registration.dhaka@oicyouthcapital.com.


(Registration will be opened before the program)

Entrepreneurship, Skill & Employment Camp

Youth from all over the world often come up with innovative business ideas but fail to execute it for two key reasons – Proper Guidance & The Lack of Funding. By this camp we are planning to eliminate both of these problems and provide the deserving youth with the opportunity to execute their dream business idea


  • Providing necessary supports for the break through ideas to be implemented
  • Grooming the individuals so that they can have proper Entrepreneurship Skills
  • Nurturing and grooming the young minds in order to become a better leader in the future
  • A chance to have successful business professionals as their mentors
  • Getting guidance in every step of implementing their ideas from successful business minds
  • Setting up a successful business professional as an Advisor for the business
  • Providing a Seed Fund for the best idea

Program Elements

  • Individuals from the OIC countries will apply and pitch their ideas briefly using the registration form
  • Registration forms will be uploaded in the website
  • The best idea from each country will be shortlisted for the next phase
  • Shortlisted candidates will have to pitch their detailed ideas in front of the judges.
  • The best idea among them will receive a Seed Fund to execute their business and have a successful business professional as his/her Advisor

Program Format & Timeline

  • Award will be presented according to the set benchmarks
  • Presentation of the second phase will be taking place in “Zoom”
  • 14th November, 2020 is the “Social Entrepreneur Day.” The event will last from 14th November, 2020 to 24th November, 2020
  • Registration will last from 10th November, 2020 to 12th November, 2020

*Application deadline will be strictly maintained and participants who won’t be providing all the details and requirements will be disqualified


All the attended participants will be awarded with Certification from both Bangladesh Government & ICYF


The winner will have the opportunity to get guidance regarding his business idea from brilliant and successful business minds and also receive a Seed Fund based on his/her businesses’ financial statement

Who Can Apply?

  • Citizen of the OIC Member States or representative of a Muslim community in a non-OIC Member State
  • Ability to communicate in English
  • Well conversant in digital technology with good internet connectivity.
  • Aged between 18–35

Program Rules

  • The Participant must come up with an innovative and realistic business idea
  • Participants must be from 18 to 35 years old for both genders
  • Participation is allowed to the people of OIC Member States or representatives of Islamic communities in other countries.
  • The participant must adhere to the event’s regulations and procedures as stated by the organizing committee
  • Form will only be accepted in English.


Selection Committee will evaluate the applications based on eligibility and criteria if the committee decides for further information can set online interview as the last stage of selection.

Selected participants will receive an email confirmation containing online program details. Due to a tight schedule, there will be not an opportunity to inform those who are not selected. The general information on selection results will be posted at ICYF website and social media accounts.

Important Note: Only selected participants will be informed.

Application Deadline: 12th November, 2020 at 23:59 (GMT +6, Dhaka Time)
Announcement of Selection: 14th November, 2020

For further queries, email us at registration.dhaka@oicyouthcapital.com


(registration will be opened before the program)

Film Festival

Youth from all over the world has a lot of potential in terms of content creation and film making but because of the lack of the platform support, they fail to showcase their talents in front of the mass population. This kills their interest from the field and they stop pursuing the path.

Here with this event we want to give the youth a platform so that they can utilize their talents and also showcase their creations.


  • Giving a platform to the youth so that they can express their talents in film making
  • Helping the youth to do a better utilization of their times in this pandemic
  • Helping the youth in polishing their creativity
  • Setting up an opportunity to make a name for themselves in the area they are enthusiastic in

Program Elements

  • The theme of the films will be on COVID-19
  • Individuals will submit their films
  • The Films will be uploaded in the Dhaka OIC Youth Capital website
  • Visitors of the website can see the films and give ratings in 5 stars
  • Also there will be critics to score the Films with the margin of 5 stars

Program Format & Timeline

  • Award will be presented according to the collaborative score of the viewers and the critics
  • Top 3 films will be featured in the Affiliated TV Channels
  • The event will last from 8th January, 2021 to 12th January, 2021
  • Registration will last from 3rd January, 2020 to 5th January, 2021

*Application deadline will be strictly maintained and participants who won’t be providing all the details and requirements will be disqualified


All the attended participants will be awarded with Certification from both ICYF President and Foreign/Youth & Sports Ministry of Bangladesh.


The top 3 films will be featured on the affiliated TV Channels. Apart from this, there will be a prize money for the winners as well.

  • Winner: 2000 USD
  • 1st Runner Up: 1000 USD
  • 2nd Runner Up: 750 USD

Who Can Apply?

  • Citizen of the OIC Member States or representative of a Muslim community in a non-OIC Member State
  • Enthusiastic people in Film Making or Video Content Creation
  • Ability to communicate in English
  • Well conversant in digital technology with good internet connectivity.
  • Aged between 18–35

Program Rules

  • The Participant must make an original film with a theme of COVID-19
  • Participants must be from 18 to 35 years old for both genders
  • Participation is allowed to the people of OIC Member States or representatives of Islamic communities in other countries.
  • The participant must adhere to the event’s regulations and procedures as stated by the organizing committee
  • Form will only be accepted in English.


Selection Committee will evaluate the applications based on eligibility and criteria if the committee decides for further information can set online interview as the last stage of selection.

Selected participants will receive an email confirmation containing online program details. Due to a tight schedule, there will be not an opportunity to inform those who are not selected. The general information on selection results will be posted at ICYF website and social media accounts.

Important Note: Only selected participants will be informed.

Application Deadline: 5th January, 2021 at 23:59 (GMT +6, Dhaka Time)
Announcement of Selection: 7thJanuary, 2021

For further queries, email us at registration.dhaka@oicyouthcapital.com.


(registration will be opened before the program)

Scout Conference on Sustainable Environment

Bangladesh announces the call for applications from the prospective participants in the “Scout Conference for Sustainable Environment” as part of its yearlong festivities of “Dhaka, OIC Youth Capital 2020”. The theme of the conference is “Sustaining the positive environmental changes that took place during the COVID 19 pandemic”. There have been significant changes in the environment when the pandemic hit the world and most of them are positive. It is important for us to keep this positive impact and also come up with sustainable solutions to living harmoniously with the environment.


  • Enlighten the community about the positive changes in the environment due to the pandemic
  • Bringing the scouts of the OIC nations together to come up with sustainable solutions regarding the environment
  • Bringing awareness to the scout about the importance of living harmoniously with the environment
  • Giving the participants a sense of what can be done on an individual level to change the environment and make it better
  • The talked about the initiatives can be adopted by the nations to the best practices of environment preservation

Program Elements

  • Keynote speakers of the World Scout will be giving their talks
  • Cases will be provided to the participants for coming up with sustainable solutions
  • Top 10 cases will be presented in front of the judges
  • The top 10 ideas will be shared among all the participants
  • The top 3 ideas will be shared among the World Scout programs

Program Format and Timeline

  • The program will be a combination of theoretical and interactive sessions via zoom.
  • Timeline: 22 – 25 February 2021

*** The online platform and its technical information pack will be shared only with the selected participants.


Full attended participants will be awarded a verified certificate issued by the Bangladesh Government, ICYF and World Scout

Prize Money

Based on the evaluation of the submitted policy paper and the engagements of the participants during the virtual session, prize money will be awarded.

  1. Winner: 2000 USD
  2. 1st Runner Up: 1000 USD
  3. 2nd Runner Up: 750 USD


  • Citizen of the OIC Member States or representative of a Muslim community in a non-OIC Member State
  • Ability to communicate in English
  • Well conversant in digital technology with good internet connectivity.
  • Aged between 18–35
  • Interested in social works.
  • Interested in environmental science and technology


Selection Committee will evaluate the applications based on eligibility and criteria if the committee decides for further information can set an online interview as the last stage of selection.

Selected participants will receive an email confirmation containing online program details. Due to a tight schedule, there will be not an opportunity to inform those who are not selected. The general information on selection results will be posted at the ICYF website and social media accounts.

Important Note: Only selected participants will be informed.

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 12 February 2021 at 23:59 (GMT+6, Dhaka TIME)

For more questions email us at registration.dhaka@oicyouthcapital.com.


(Registration will be opened before the program)

Voluntary Camp

The year 2020 has been a very challenging year for all of us, mostly because of the global pandemic we are going through. During this time a lot of Volunteer Organizations all over the world has taken some magnificent initiatives and those initiatives can actually make handling this pandemic better for a lot of nations. By this event we want to bring those initiatives up so that everyone can follow them and make themselves and others sustain in this challenge.


  • The theme is COVID-19, as dealing with it is the 1st priority of every nation currently
  • Bringing innovative ideas up front about dealing with COVID-19
  • Passing the knowledge worldwide
  • Acknowledging the breakthrough ideas

Program Elements

  • Volunteer Organizations from the OIC countries will apply and demonstrate their ideas briefly using the registration form
  • Registration forms will be uploaded in the website
  • An organization with the best idea from each country will be shortlisted for the next phase
  • Organizations will choose an individual to represent them
  • Shortlisted candidates will make a case based on their idea
  • Individuals representing their organizations will present their case in front of the judges during the final conference and the judges will pick a winner and the runner ups

Program Format & Timeline

  • Award will be presented according to the set benchmarks
  • The final conference will be taking place in “Zoom”
  • The event will last from 30th November, 2020 to 8th December, 2020
  • Registration will last from 24th November, 2020 to 27th November, 2020
  • The final conference will be held on 7th December, 2020 and 8th December, 2020

*Application deadline will be strictly maintained and participants who won’t be providing all the details and requirements will be disqualified


All the attended participants will be awarded with Certification from both Bangladesh Government & ICYF

Prize Money

  1. Winner: 2000 USD
  2. 1st Runner Up: 1000 USD
  3. 2nd Runner Up: 750 USD

Who Can Apply?

  • Citizen of the OIC Member States or representative of a Muslim community in a non-OIC Member State
  • Ability to communicate in English
  • Well conversant in digital technology with good internet connectivity.
  • Aged between 18–35

Program Rules

  • Organizations will have to pitch ideas only regarding the COVID-19 crisis
  • Participants must be from 18 to 35 years old for both genders
  • Participation is allowed to the people of OIC Member States or representatives of Islamic communities in other countries.
  • The participant must adhere to the event’s regulations and procedures as stated by the organizing committee
  • Form will only be accepted in English.


Selection Committee will evaluate the applications based on eligibility and criteria if the committee decides for further information can set online interview as the last stage of selection.

Selected participants will receive an email confirmation containing online program details. Due to a tight schedule, there will be not an opportunity to inform those who are not selected. The general information on selection results will be posted at ICYF website and social media accounts.

Important Note: Only selected participants will be informed.

Application Deadline: 27th November, 2020 at 23:59 (GMT +6, Dhaka Time)
Announcement of Selection: 29th November, 2020

For further queries, email us at registration.dhaka@oicyouthcapital.com.


(registration will be opened before the program)