OIC Youth Street Art Festival takes off under Fez OIC Youth Capital 2017 Programme
As part of the celebrations of Fez as OIC Youth Capital 2017, the “OIC Youth Street Art Festival” was launched on November 22, successfully organized by ICYF and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Morocco under the high patronage of the Kingdom of Morocco, with the participation of more than 50 local and international young poets, performers and artists.
Throughout the program, Youth showcased their talents, developed their skills and engaged with the expressive festival atmosphere to learn from leading artisans and performers while attending multiple workshops.
Speaking on behalf of ICYF, Ms. Tugba Ceren Cerci (Programme Coordinator of ICYF) delivered a welcoming speech to the participants of “OIC Youth Street Art Festival” during the workshops, encouraging youth to create constructive identities for themselves through creative expression, Islamic solidarity and civic engagement. At the end of the workshops young artists will perform a special show at the closing ceremony of Fez-OIC Youth Capital 2017, as an outcome of the three day festival.
Youth Entrepreneurship Pitching Session “ Islamic Countries Youth Entrepreneurship Network (ICYEN) : Innovation Means Employment” organized in Putrajaya
As part of the celebrations of Putrajaya as OIC Youth Capital 2017, the “Islamic Countries Youth Entrepreneurship Network (ICYEN): Innovation Means Employment” was successfully organized by ICYF and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Malaysia through the local National Youth Council (MBM) with the participation of 65 local and international youth entrepreneurs and leading investors.
Throughout the program, the majority of youth entrepreneurs focused on technology start-ups? while attending 3 start-up acceleration trainings and presenting their projects in pitching sessions. The successful start-ups of the pitching session were given the opportunity to be invited to the OIC Start-up Platfrom Online Training Program, starting in July 2018.
During the Opening Ceremony, Mr. Ahmet Halit Hatip, Director of International Programs, made a presentation about the OIC Start-up Platform, one of the 14 Joint Youth Action Plan activities approved by the 3rd Islamic Conference Youth and Sports Ministers, and further invited youth entrepreneurs to apply online to benefit from the opportunity of online trainings, mentorship, and investment.
Youth Entrepreneurship Pitching Session “ Islamic Countries Youth Entrepreneurship Network (ICYEN): Innovation Means Employment” successfully held in Putrajaya
As part of the celebrations of Putrajaya as OIC Youth Capital 2017, the “Islamic Countries Youth Entrepreneurship Network (ICYEN): Innovation Means Employment” was successfully convened by ICYF-DC and Ministry Youth and Sports of Malaysia through the local National Youth Council (MBM) with the participation 65 local and international youth entrepreneurs and leading investors.
At the Closing Ceremony, the winners of the ICYEN Pitching Session Start-ups received cash prizes handed by respectively H.E. Dato’ Lokman Hakim Bin Ali, Secretary General of Ministry of Youth and Sports of Malaysia, Mr. Abdula Manafi Mutualo, Director General of Youth Policy, Education & Training of ICYF-DC, Ahmet Halit Hatip, Director of International Programs.
1) Mr Rashid Jamiran, Go Coach
2) Ms Fadia Rasha Mohammed, Dare Book Club
3) Mr Muhammed Naim Al-Amin, Floating, Run of River Pico Turbine
Uluslararası Kur’an-ı Kerim Okuma Yarışması – İran’da düzenlenen Uluslararası Kur’an-ı Kerim Okuma Yarışması’nda hafızlık ve kıraat kategorilerinde Türkiye’den Faruk Şahin ile Enes Abdullah Görgülü birinci seçildi İSTANBUL (AA) – İslam Konferansı Diyalog ve İşbirliği Gençlik Forumu (İKGF-Dİ) ve İran Gençlik Spor Bakanlığı iş birliği ile İran’ın Şiraz şehrinde Uluslararası Kur’an-ı Kerim Okuma Yarışması düzenlendi.
İKGF-Dİ’den yapılan açıklamaya göre, Şiraz İslam Dünyası Gençlik Başkenti programı kapsamında 30 Ekim-1 Kasım tarihleri arasında düzenlenen yarışmaya Türkiye’nin de aralarında bulunduğu 17 İslam ülkesinden 56 genç katıldı. Yarışma, hafızlık ve kıraat kategorilerinde yapıldı.
– Birinciler Türkiye’den
Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Kıraat Kurulu Başkanı Hafız Osman Şahin’in jüri üyesi olarak katıldığı yarışmada hafızlık kategorisinde birinci Türkiye’den Faruk Şahin, ikinci İran’dan Navid Razmjoul, üçüncü Somali’den Said Jeilani Hasan oldu.
Kıraat kategorisinde ise birinci Türkiye’den Enes Abdullah Görgülü, ikinci Azerbaycan’dan İlkin Aliyev, üçüncü Malezya’dan Mohommad Bin Ahmad Zahid oldu.
Programa onur konuğu olarak katılan İstanbul Müftüsü Prof. Dr. Hasan Kamil Yılmaz programı düzenleyen İKGF-Dİ’ye teşekkür ederek şunları kaydetti:
“İslam alemi olarak Kur’an’ın bizlere öğrettiği hikmet, adalet ve rahmeti kaybettiğimiz an toplumsal kaosa kapı aralayacağımızı unutmamamız gerekir. Yüce Allah’ın eşsiz mucizesi aramızda ve bizden ilgi beklemektedir. Kulluğumuzu bu eşsiz mucizeye göre şekillendirmemiz gerekir.”
İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı 3. Gençlik ve Spor Bakanları Konferansı kararları çerçevesince, İKGF-Dİ tarafından düzenlenen İslam Dünyası Gençlik Başkenti uluslararası programında, ilk başkent 2016 yılında İstanbul seçilmişti. 2017 yılında İran’ın Şiraz, Fas’ın Fes ve Malezya’nın Putrajaya şehirleri seçilirken 2018 yılı İslam Dünyası Gençlik Başkenti, Kudüs olarak belirlendi.
“The Quran Recitation Contest” a sub-event of the Shiraz – OIC Youth Capital 2017 International Programme was launched with participation of 50 young Qāri’s and Hafizs from the OIC Member States and Muslim minorities. The contest will continue in Shiraz (IRI) with Recitation of Tajweed, Memorization and Award Ceremonies over the next 2 days.
ICYF is proud to announce that by the decision of the 44th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (10-11 July 2017, Abidjan), the 3rd September was endorsed as the OIC Youth Day, to be celebrated annually. The date symbolizes the inauguration of the ICYF Headquarters in Istanbul, in 2006 as the OIC Youth Institution by H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of the Republic of Turkey along with other leaders and high-level officials from the OIC geography.
Establishment of the OIC Youth Day and its celebration annually is an important opportunity to highlight the objectives of the Joint Youth Action Plan (JYAP) adopted by the 3rd Session of the Islamic Conference of Youth and Sports Ministers (5-7 October 2016, Istanbul), in particular to raise awareness on youth related issues and promote youth creativity as critical factor for national development as well as to boost exchange of the best practices for implementing more efficient youth policies in the OIC Member States. Also, OIC Youth Day serves as the considerable mark of building common Youth Policy in the OIC geography.
In this context, the relevant authorities in the OIC Member States, ICYF Member Organizations and youth organizations in the OIC geography are requested to organize the relevant (cultural, academic, sport, social media, volunteering) celebration activities throughout a month (September) to raise awarenes on the OIC Youth Day and its aims.
ICYF, in its capacity as the implementing agency of the Joint Youth Action Plan and co-initiator of the OIC Youth Day, plans to organize series of events in various OIC Member States in the month of September under the theme “OIC Youth Day: Solidarity in Action”.
The activities on the OIC Youth Day will be crowned with the High-level International Conference “The State of Muslim Youth” on 26 September 2017, in Istanbul, which will also be an opportunity to launch the 1st Report on the State of Youth in the OIC Member States, jointly prepared by SESRIC and ICYF.
ICYF attended the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) wide counterterrorism conference, held in Vienna, Austria, on 23-24 May 2017.
Addressing the Session II on “Engaging and empowering youth in preventing and countering violent extremism and radicalization leading to terrorism”, Mr. Abdula Manafi Mutualo, Director General of the General Directorate of Youth Policy, Education & Training, started by sending a cable of condolences and sympathies to the people and government of the United Kingdom for the loss of innocent lives during the Manchester terrorist attack. He then mentioned the challenges faced by youth in the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), particularly terrorism, and the fact that Muslims are the main victims of this unfortunate phenomenon.
Mr. Manafi stated that violence and extremism created an environment that prevented positive youth development. Current recruitment demographics show a growing trend towards recruitment at younger ages and an expansion towards young females. This is of high relevance to the OIC Member States for they are the youngest worldwide and have the highest youth population growth rates. By 2030, they will be hosting 30.9% of youth in the world.
In this context, he highlighted that the OIC Youth Strategy, which is being finalized for its adoption at the 4th Islamic Conference of Youth & Sports Ministers, to be held in Baku in May 2018, has a special focus on countering terrorism through several measures, including building effective and meaningful partnerships from sectors of society to develop a multi-faceted approach policy-making and developing partnership with Media.
“Putrajaya – OIC Youth Capital 2017” events go on with the “BATTLE OF SUMOROBOT & INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION TVET CONFERENCE (INDUSTRY 4.0)”
In the opening ceremony of the event, Dr. Hajaj Wasitah Binti Yusof, Director General of Youth Skills Development Division of The Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia and Mr. Ahmet Halit Hatip, Director at the ICYF have welcomed the youth representatives from the OIC Member States and and wished good luck to them in the Sumorobot tournaments.
Mr. Ahmet Halit Hatip, has also visited the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Malaysia and attended the preparation meeting with Mr. Ajitpal Singh, Under Secretary of International Relations Division of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Malaysia, for the forthcoming events; Muslim Future Thinkers Forum, OIC Start-up Expo and Islamic Countries Youth Entrepreneurship Network which will take place in Putrajaya in the context of Putrajaya OIC Youth Capital 2017.
The Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF) was represented by Mr. Abdula Manafi Mutualo, Director-General of the General Directorate of Youth Policy, Education and Training, at the 1st Youth Summit organized by the Islamic Development Bank Ground (IDBG) in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on 15-16 May 2017.
While addressing the event, Mr. Manafi introduced youth development related activities of ICYF, as the OIC Youth Institution responsible for implementing initiatives to materialize OIC Member States’ youth policy.
While welcoming the proposed Youth Development Strategy, he mentioned that ICYF was ready to partner with the OIC Member States and IDBG in its efficient and timely implementation, as it goes in line with the OIC Youth Strategy, initiated by ICYF.
The Director General briefed the Meeting on the Permanent Ministerial Council on Youth’s adoption of the “Youth Creative against Islamophobia”, under the motto of “Knowing Islam, Enjoying Arts” underlying importance to include into discussions the role of Ummah’s youth to be prepared to use artistic talents to challenge Islamophobia.
Istanbul – OIC Youth Capital 2015/16 International Programme conducted by ICYF was presented on 14 December 2015 to the international guests visiting Istanbul Aydin University. Young students from Morocco, Egypt, Palestine, Turkey as well as Germany, Italy, Romania, Lithuania and Gerogia were informed about the background and aims of the Programme and also activities being held in this framework. Mr. Elmaddin Mehdiyev, ICYF Chief of Cabinet who made the detailed presentation discussed with participants in the Q&A section the current problems and challanges Muslim youth are facing. The session has ended with demonstration of the short film “Mama” – the winner of the “Y-Istanbul the 1st OIC Youth Capital Short Film Awards”.