Appel à Candidatures: Concours International de Photographie pour les Jeunes “Visages Humains d’Al-Qods”
Forum de Jeunesse de Conférence Islamique pour le Dialogue et la Coopération (ICYF-DC), une institution internationale affiliée à l’Organisation de Coopération Islamique (OCI), annonce l’appel à candidatures lancé par le Conseil Supérieur de Jeunesse et des Sports de l’État de Palestine pour le concours international de Photographie des Jeunes “Visages Humains d’Al-Qods” qui se tiendra dans le cadre du programme international “Al-Qods Ash-Sharif – Capitale de Jeunesse de l’OCI 2018”.
Centré sur le patrimoine islamique et interculturel d’Al-Qods, “Visages Humains d’Al-Qods” envisage de décrire la vie quotidienne des résidents Palestiniens d’Al-Qods ainsi que les troubles et les injustices auxquels ils sont confrontés. Les photographes sont invités à démontrer leur vision d’Al-Qods Ash-Sharif et son importance en termes de patrimoine Islamique, de dialogue interculturel et inter-civilisationnel, et les défis à son caractère sacré sous l’occupation Israélienne. Il créera une solidarité avec les habitants de la ville sainte, mettant en lumière leur vie quotidienne, ainsi que les luttes et les injustices auxquelles ils sont confrontés au quotidien.
1. “Al-Qods Ash-Sharif: Berceau des Civilisations”
Photographies d’importance culturelle, civilisationnelle ou religieuse, scènes et sites, prises dans la ville sainte d’Al-Qods qui capturent les profondeurs spirituelles, historiques et civilisationnelles de la ville antique.
2. “Al-Qods Ash-Sharif: Ville sous les Victoires”
Photographies des difficultés et des défis de la vie ; en particulier lors de la visite des sanctuaires d’Al-Qods sous l’occupation Israélienne ; qui capturent et documentent les défis à la sainteté, l’âme et le caractère religieux d’Al-Qods Ash-Sharif.
3. “Visages Humains d’Al-Qods”
Photographies de la vie quotidienne des résidents d’Al-Qods Ash-Sharif sous l’occupation Israélienne ; qui capturent leur esprit de résilience, de défis, de persévérance, de tristesse et d’espoir.
- Ce concours est ouvert aux jeunes de toutes confessions et nationalités entre 18 et 35 ans. Les photographes non professionnels sont particulièrement encouragés à participer.
- La participation au concours est ouverte à tous et gratuite.
- Il n’y a pas de limite quant au nombre de soumissions.
- Pour tous les thèmes du concours, les photos monochromes (ou noir et blanc) et en couleur doivent être téléchargées sous forme de fichier avec DPI jusqu’à 72 pixels en format JPG et modèle couleur RGB. Le côté le plus long doit être de 1500 pixels avec un rapport de 2*3 ou 1*1. Le niveau de sortie Photoshop des photos ne doit pas être inférieur à 10. Les photos panoramiques ne sont pas acceptées.
- Aucune photo géométrique, filigrane ou édition structurelle n’est autorisée. Les photos ne peuvent être modifiées que dans la mesure où l’originalité de la photo n’est pas altérée. La recoloration, le réglage du contraste, de la luminosité et le recadrage des photos sont autorisés si l’originalité de la photo n’est pas altérée.
- Les inscriptions ne peuvent pas être soumises ailleurs.
- Les photos sélectionnées font l’objet de démonstrations supplémentaires dans les expositions qui seront organisées par les organisateurs du concours. Les photographes dont les photos sont sélectionnées et imprimées dans les visuels du concours sont récompensés (les photos finalistes sélectionnées seront la propriété des organisateurs).
- Les œuvres sélectionnées pour l’exposition seront exposées dans le cadre de différents événements dans le monde entier.
- En soumettant l’image, le candidat accepte les conditions du concours. Le participant est responsable de toute conséquence légale ou pénale découlant d’une violation du droit d’auteur de sa part.
- Les candidats sont invités à partager les photos téléchargées sur différents canaux de médias sociaux (en particulier Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr et Facebook) avec les Hashtags suivants : #AlQudsOICYouthCapital2018 et #HumanFacesOfAlQuds .
Un jury international qui sélectionnera les gagnants jugera les œuvres soumises par ces photographes. Les décisions du jury sont définitives et obligatoires à tous égards et ne sont pas susceptibles d’appel. Les inscriptions soumises seront évaluées selon les critères suivants :
- Message
- Originalité et créativité d’expression
- Composition de la photo
- Qualité d’exécution
L’ICYF-DC et le Conseil Supérieur de Jeunesse et des Sports de l’État de Palestine n’assument aucune responsabilité pour toute erreur, omission, interruption, suppression, défaut ou retard dans le fonctionnement ou la transmission ; la défaillance des lignes de communication; le vol ou la destruction ou l’accès non autorisé aux inscriptions au concours ou aux formulaires d’inscription ; ou l’altération des inscriptions ou des formulaires d’inscription.
Premier Prix: Prix en espèces de 1500 $.
Prix de la Meilleure Photo : Prix en espèces de 1000 $.
Deuxième Prix : Prix en espèces de 500 $.
Récompenses Honorifiques Supplémentaires :
- Photographe Amateur de l’Année : 5 participations
- Photographe Professionnel de l’Année : une seule participation
- Photographe Palestinien de l’Année : une seule participation
- Photographe de l’Année pour les Jeunes : une seule participation
- Meilleur Photographe Touristique : une seule participation
- Meilleure Photographe Mobile : une seule participation
- Meilleure Photographe de Portrait: une seule participation
- Meilleure Photographe en Noir et Blanc: une seule participation
Date Limite de Candidature: 1er Août 2018, 23:59 Al-Qods Heure Locale
Annonce des résultats du concours : 3 Septembre 2018
Instagram: instagram.com/humanfacesofalquds
Courriel Électronique: hfofalquds@gmail.com
Téléphone: +90 212 465 39 39, Ext. 13

Call for Applications: “Human Faces of Al-Quds” International Youth Photography Competition
Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation (ICYF), an international institution affiliated to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), announces the below call for application issued by the Higher Council of Youth and Sports of the State of Palestine on “Human Faces of Al-Quds” International Youth Photography Competition to be held within the framework of the “Al-Quds Ash-Sharif – OIC Youth Capital 2018”International Programme.
Focusing on Islamic and inter-cultural heritage of Al-Quds, the “Human Faces of Al-Quds” envisages to describe the daily life of Palestinian residents of Al-Quds as well as troubles and injustices they face. The photographers are invited to demonstrate their vision of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif, and its importance in terms of Islamic heritage, inter-cultural and inter-civilizational dialogue, and the challenges to its sanctity under Israeli occupation. It will create solidarity with the residents of the holy city, casting light on their daily lives, as well as the struggles and injustices they contend with on a daily basis.
- “Al-Quds Ash-Sharif: Cradle of Civilizations”
Photographs of cultural, civilizational or religious significance, scenes and sites, taken in the holy city of Al-Quds that capture the spiritual, historical and civilizational depths of the ancient city.
2. “Al-Quds Ash-Sharif: City under Siege”
Photographs of the difficulties and challenges of life; specifically in visiting Al-Quds sanctuaries under Israeli occupation; that capture and document challenges to the sanctity, soul and religious character of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif.
3. “Human Faces of Al-Quds”
Photographs of the daily life of residents of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif under Israeli occupation; that capture their spirit of resilience, challenges, perseverance, griefs and hopes.
- This competition is open to youth of all faiths and nationalities between the ages of 18 and 35. Non-professional photographers are particularly encouraged to participate.
- Participation in the competition is open to all and free of charge.
- There is no limit regarding the number of submissions.
- Under all competition themes, monochrome (or black and white) and colour photos must be uploaded as a file with DPI up to 72 pixels in JPG format and RGB colour model. The longest side should be 1500 pixels with a ratio of 2*3 or 1*1. The Photoshop output level of the photos should not be less than 10. Panorama photos are not accepted.
- No photo geometric, watermarking or structural editing is allowed. The photos can only be edited up to the extent that the originality of the photo is not altered. Recoloring, adjusting contrast, brightness and cropping photos are allowed if the originality of the photo is not altered.
- Entries cannot be submitted elsewhere.
- The selected photos are subject to further demonstration in the exhibitions to be held by the Organizers of the competition. The photographers whose photos are selected and printed in the competition visuals are conferred award recognition (the selected finalist photos will be property of the organizers).
- Selected entries for the exhibition will be put on display throughout different events around the world.
- By submission of the image, the applicant accepts the terms of the competition. The entrant is accountable for any legal or penal consequences arising from copyright infringement on the part of them.
- The applicants are invited to share the uploaded photos in different social media channels (in particular, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Facebook) with the following Hashtags: #AlQudsOICYouthCapital2018 and #HumanFacesOfAlQuds .
An international jury who will select winners will judge the entries submitted by these photographers. The jury’s decisions are final and binding in all respects and not subject to appeal. Submitted entries will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Message
- Originality and creativity of expression
- Photo composition
- Quality of execution
The ICYF and Higher Council of Youth and Sports of the State of Palestine assume no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, or delay in operation or transmission; communications line failure; theft or destruction of or unauthorized access to the competition entries or entry forms; or alteration of entries or entry forms.
First-place Winner: $1500 cash prize
Best Photograph Award: $1000 cash prize
Runner-up Award: $500 cash prize
Additional Honorary Awards:
- Amateur Photographer of the Year: 5 entries
- Professional Photographer of the Year: one entry
- Palestinian Photographer of the Year: one entry
- Youth Photographer of the Year: one entry
- Best Tourist Photographer: one entry
- Best Mobile Photograph: one entry
- Best Portrait Photograph: one entry
- Best Black and White Photograph: one entry
Application Deadline: 1st August 2018, 23:59 Al-Quds Local Time
Announcement of competition results: 3 September 2018
Contact us:
Instagram: instagram.com/humanfacesofalquds
Email Address: hfofalquds@gmail.com
Telephone: +90 212 465 39 39, Ext. 13

The 4th Islamic Conference of Youth and Sports Ministers (ICYSM) is just around the corner, set to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan from April 17-19 2018! This conference will be a landmark event for youth policy and development throughout the Muslim world as the 1st Draft OIC Youth Strategy, first approved in principle two years ago at the 3rd ICYSM, will be tabled for ratification by OIC member states. We’d like to hear your voice and thoughts.
The OIC Youth Strategy will address a number of critical issues relevant to youth; including developing vision and setting mechanisms to address:
A) Education
B) Employment
C) Social Inclusion
D) Extremism
E) Entrepreneurship
F) Public Health
G) Marriage and Early Marriage
H) Youth Engagement & Civil Society
I) Cultural Challenges and Globalization
J) Migration and Integration
If you were acting on behalf of OIC States, what specific issues under the OIC Strategy do you believe are challenges for youth, and how can they be solved? We look forward to hearing your thoughts, policy proposals and solutions!

1st Model OIC Arabic for High Schools
This year, ICYF and it’s partners will invite 75 outstanding students from top-tier High Schools of the OIC Member States with scholars, diplomats and state officials to participate in the 1st HSMOIC on 26-30 April. The group of outstanding high school students will receive high-end trainings over 4 days of the Global Summit simulations, learning critical tools of understanding and further promoting a knowledge based approach to contemporary international relations where they will have a chance to practice their skills in a two day simulation game. The 1st Model OIC Arabic for High Schools will take place in the Haliç Congress Center, Istanbul, Turkey with the theme of “Preserving international status and Islamic character of Al-Quds Al-Sharif”, where the Program Agenda will consist of 5 main topics, namely; Human Rights, Youth Policy, Economic Issues, Al-Quds.
The simulation will run for 4 days, during which participants will assume roles as diplomats and representatives of real countries, research these countries and practice their policies. The official language of the simulation is Arabic.
In advance, delegates will prepare position papers and resolutions, present and debate them and adopt resolutions in the bodies. Participants represent a country as a team of three. Participants will need to act authentically and represent their country to the best of their knowledge and ability, making the simulation as realistic as possible. MOICs can focus on the work of the following OIC bodies: General Assembly or council of Ministries.
Accommodation and flight ticket costs of selected participants will be covered by HSMOIC Secretariat.
Application Criterias:
– Being a High School Student (Age of between 14-18)
– Having experience in diplomatic simulations
– Fluency of Arabic Language
– Letter from High School
Application Form:

#AlQudsOICYouthCapital2018 – Full story of the Launch of the Al-Quds Al-Sharif – Islamic World Youth Capital 2018 Program in Palestine
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas expresses high appreciation for the Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation’s efforts and work towards supporting of the Palestinian Youth and Cause, as well as preserving the Islamic Character of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
The 1st Meeting of the “Al-Quds OIC Youth Capital 2018” Council of Patrons begins with the participation of Ministers of Youth and Sports of the OIC Member States.
6th February 2018, Ramallah, Palestine
#OpeningCeremony of the #AlQudsOICYouthCapital2018 international programme
Over 30 delegations arrived to Ramallah, Palestine for the Grand Opening of #AlQudsYouthCapital 2018 after hours of overcoming border control, difficulty and taking detours on isolated and treacherous roads.
Inshallah Al-Aqsa, the furthest Mosque, will become closer…
Closely follow the ICYF narrative on the program unfolding step-by-step on our social media accounts.

ICYF denounces all recent provocative messages spread in social media campaign targeting the unity and integrity of the Organization with regard to recently announced lunch of “Al-Quds Ash-Sharif – OIC Youth Capital 2018” #AlQudsYouthCapital Programme, as completely false and provocative.
So called “informed social media accounts” recently spread information that decision on #AlQudsYouthCapital Programme was opposed by the number of ICYF member organizations. They further speculate that some ICYF organizations “backed by respective Member States” “appealed to OIC and certain countries to question and apply diplomatic pressure” on ICYF leadership.
ICYF would like to underline that such messages are false and groundless. All important decisions are being adopted through democratic procedure at ICYF relevant bodies. Thus, the announcement of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif as the OIC Youth Capital on 25 July 2017 was fully supported by ICYF Executive Board; unanimously adopted at the Selection Committee (comprising of authorities of hosts to previous Youth capitals and the OIC General Secretariat along with ICYF); and further welcomed by the Final Communiqué of the OIC Executive Committee held at the level of Foreign Ministers, on 01 August 2017. The recent review of preparations for the Programme opening also demonstrated a great attendance by a number of Member States and organizations.
However, the timing of such “news” distribution 6 month after announcement of the Programme, and few days in advance of its actual launch in Palestine is indication that certain quarters are disturbed by ICYF recent activity – be it on promotion of youth solidarity on Al-Quds issue or principal position on soonest adoption of the OIC Youth Strategy and intend. Thus, these messages aim to intimidate ICYF decision-making organs to retract from its principal position by emphasizing on “possible consequences”. ICYF recalls once again that “Al-Quds – OIC Youth Capital 2018” Programme is the 1st practical implementation of unanimous position on Al-Quds declared during the OIC Istanbul Extraordinary Summit held on December 13th, 2017 and in line with international consensus on 2-state solution of the Palestinian conflict. Therefore, support toward ICYF at this crucial juncture is a vivid test to the Member States commitment to their declaration on Al-Quds at the highest level.
ICYF states that such black-mailing can not detract it from following its course in the interest of Muslim youth of our geography. Moreover, in line with the above stated, provocative actions aimed at targeting ICYF and the success of the important year-long programme on Al-Quds will be closely watched so the initiators and implementers to be disclosed to the OIC Member States, ICYF member organizations and youth audience at large.

Under the Y-Shiraz 2nd OIC Youth Capital Film Festival, more than 100 short film submissions were received from OIC Member and Non-Member States. On December 17 2017, after a lengthy judging process, the jury selected 6 short films for awards, which were screened during the awards ceremony by youth and local guests. The programme was followed by a series of workshops by professional film makers who delivered key information and technique on ‘Poetry Short Films’.
Winners of the Y-Shiraz 2nd OIC Youth Capital Film Festival will be recognized and awarded during the Grand Closing Ceremony of Shiraz OIC Youth Capital 2017 today.

Grand Ceremony for Fez OIC Youth Capital 2017 Programme held
On 24 November 2017, the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF) and Moroccan Ministry of Youth held the closing festivities and ceremony for the Fez OIC Youth Capital 2017 Program, crowning a series of youth events in partnership with the Moroccan Ministry of Youth and Sports, under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.
Throughout the program, youth from around the world engaged in activities emphasizing the role of youth in countering extremism, and in developing new narratives for change, growth and active citizenship. In attendance was H.E. Palestinian Minister of Youth and Sport, who was entrusted with the Key of Fez, a symbol of the city as a youth capital. He promised to uphold the example of civilization and diversity set by the historic city of Fez, in the upcoming al-Quds al-Sharif OIC Youth Capital 2018 programme.
The program ended with engaging performances from the Street Art Festival, recommendations from the Youth Forum for the Prevention of Extremism and Violence; and commitments from youth to enhance Islamic solidarity in all that they do.