Youth Forum for the Prevention of Extremism and Violence Opened in Fez OIC Youth Capital 2017 Programme
On 21-24 November 2017, the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF) organized an international forum on the ‘Prevention of Extremism and Violence’ in partnership with the Moroccan Ministry of Youth and Sports, and under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco as part of the ‘Fez OIC Youth Capital 2017’ Programme.
The international forum presented a number of dynamic panels on best practices, relevant policy frameworks and implementation mechanisms in countering radicalism, emphasizing the role of civil society in countering violence and radicalism, and the unique role of youth in developing new narratives for constructive change, civic engagement and political participation. The event was held in the historic Fez City Hall, with attendance of a number of high-level dignitaries and scholars including. Also in attendance were a number of representatives of international organizations, NGO’s and youth delegates.
The Forum emphasized the strategic value of youth, and emphasized the need to create inclusive future-oriented narratives that appeal to the inherent civic duty in youth, while calling on youth to identify pathways and mechanisms for constructive changes, develop their capacities in decision-making and policy-building and take on the role of positive agents for change in their respective societies.

OIC Youth Street Art Festival takes off under Fez OIC Youth Capital 2017 Programme
As part of the celebrations of Fez as OIC Youth Capital 2017, the “OIC Youth Street Art Festival” was launched on November 22, successfully organized by ICYF and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Morocco under the high patronage of the Kingdom of Morocco, with the participation of more than 50 local and international young poets, performers and artists.
Throughout the program, Youth showcased their talents, developed their skills and engaged with the expressive festival atmosphere to learn from leading artisans and performers while attending multiple workshops.
Speaking on behalf of ICYF, Ms. Tugba Ceren Cerci (Programme Coordinator of ICYF) delivered a welcoming speech to the participants of “OIC Youth Street Art Festival” during the workshops, encouraging youth to create constructive identities for themselves through creative expression, Islamic solidarity and civic engagement. At the end of the workshops young artists will perform a special show at the closing ceremony of Fez-OIC Youth Capital 2017, as an outcome of the three day festival.

Uluslararası Kur’an-ı Kerim Okuma Yarışması – İran’da düzenlenen Uluslararası Kur’an-ı Kerim Okuma Yarışması’nda hafızlık ve kıraat kategorilerinde Türkiye’den Faruk Şahin ile Enes Abdullah Görgülü birinci seçildi İSTANBUL (AA) – İslam Konferansı Diyalog ve İşbirliği Gençlik Forumu (İKGF-Dİ) ve İran Gençlik Spor Bakanlığı iş birliği ile İran’ın Şiraz şehrinde Uluslararası Kur’an-ı Kerim Okuma Yarışması düzenlendi.
İKGF-Dİ’den yapılan açıklamaya göre, Şiraz İslam Dünyası Gençlik Başkenti programı kapsamında 30 Ekim-1 Kasım tarihleri arasında düzenlenen yarışmaya Türkiye’nin de aralarında bulunduğu 17 İslam ülkesinden 56 genç katıldı. Yarışma, hafızlık ve kıraat kategorilerinde yapıldı.
– Birinciler Türkiye’den
Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Kıraat Kurulu Başkanı Hafız Osman Şahin’in jüri üyesi olarak katıldığı yarışmada hafızlık kategorisinde birinci Türkiye’den Faruk Şahin, ikinci İran’dan Navid Razmjoul, üçüncü Somali’den Said Jeilani Hasan oldu.
Kıraat kategorisinde ise birinci Türkiye’den Enes Abdullah Görgülü, ikinci Azerbaycan’dan İlkin Aliyev, üçüncü Malezya’dan Mohommad Bin Ahmad Zahid oldu.
Programa onur konuğu olarak katılan İstanbul Müftüsü Prof. Dr. Hasan Kamil Yılmaz programı düzenleyen İKGF-Dİ’ye teşekkür ederek şunları kaydetti:
“İslam alemi olarak Kur’an’ın bizlere öğrettiği hikmet, adalet ve rahmeti kaybettiğimiz an toplumsal kaosa kapı aralayacağımızı unutmamamız gerekir. Yüce Allah’ın eşsiz mucizesi aramızda ve bizden ilgi beklemektedir. Kulluğumuzu bu eşsiz mucizeye göre şekillendirmemiz gerekir.”
İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı 3. Gençlik ve Spor Bakanları Konferansı kararları çerçevesince, İKGF-Dİ tarafından düzenlenen İslam Dünyası Gençlik Başkenti uluslararası programında, ilk başkent 2016 yılında İstanbul seçilmişti. 2017 yılında İran’ın Şiraz, Fas’ın Fes ve Malezya’nın Putrajaya şehirleri seçilirken 2018 yılı İslam Dünyası Gençlik Başkenti, Kudüs olarak belirlendi.

“The Quran Recitation Contest” a sub-event of the Shiraz – OIC Youth Capital 2017 International Programme was launched with participation of 50 young Qāri’s and Hafizs from the OIC Member States and Muslim minorities. The contest will continue in Shiraz (IRI) with Recitation of Tajweed, Memorization and Award Ceremonies over the next 2 days.

Fez – OIC Youth Capital 2017
Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), an international organization affiliated to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), announces the call for application for the Fez –OIC Youth Capital 2017, Youth Forum for the Prevention of Extremism and Violence issued by the hosts of the “Fes– OIC Youth Capital 2017” international programme. The Festival aiming to bring together young artists from the OIC geography and beyond will be held in the city of Fez, Kingdom of Morocco, on 22-23 November, 2017.
Main Objectives:
The Forum is an opportunity to meet and interact with leading youth from various OIC countries to work on the concepts related to volunteering and the various approaches that are effective in preventing extremism and violence, through workshops and seminars with specialists.
- To support the development of young people sensitive to global and social issues, capable of contributing society and humanity and to empower young people with leadership qualities.
- To enable young people to think about “Youth Forum for the Prevention of Extremism and Violence” and exchange ideas on these matters and find solutions for them and to make a contribution to establishing a fundamentally more equitable and peaceful world.
- To enable young people to gain new experiences by improving their sense of solidarity and cooperation.
- To establish youth networks and platforms.
The Format and Programme Details
The 2 days forum programme is expected to bring young people together to contribute to the success of the event and discuss about youth volunteerism & preventing extremism and violence. The programme will be a combination of;
- First plenary session and workshops
- Workshops and group work
- Second plenary session and workshops
- Cultural City Tour
Application and Selection Process
The final selection will be made by the organizing team according to the criteria described below;
- To be a citizen of the OIC Member States or representative of Muslim community in non-OIC Member States;
- Able to speak English;
- Aged 18-30;
- Involved in/coordinated any innovative youth social project,
- Active in community services,
- Motivated to attend the full duration;
**** Application form should be sent in the format of DOC file to this email address: fescapitale@mjs.gov.ma .Please also take note that all the participants should fill the participation application form up and attach it to their email.
Travel: Participants are themselves will cover round trip travel expenses from his/her own country to Fez city including the visa, medical and travel insurance and personal expenses.
Accommodation and other costs: Host organization will cover domestic transportation, accommodation, food and other costs related to the festival.
*** For further questions, please contact at Email: fescapitale@mjs.gov.ma and Phone: +212 537 68 00 28
The Festival’s Timeline:
Deadline: 1 November 2017 at 18:00 according to Rabat Time.

OIC Youth Street Art Festival
Fez – OIC Youth Capital 2017
Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), an international organization affiliated to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), announces the call for application for the Fez –OIC Youth Capital 2017, OIC Youth Street Art Festival issued by the hosts of the “Fez– OIC Youth Capital 2017” international programme. The Festival aiming to bring together young artists from the OIC geography and beyond will be held in the city of Fez, Kingdom of Morocco, on 22-23 November, 2017.
Main Objectives:
“OIC Youth Street Art Festival” is considered as an international art exhibition, for the benefit of Muslim Youth. The Festival will provide a platform where young people experience different cultures and values and also demonstrate their artistic expressions in writing, graffiti, music and physical expression.
- To raise awareness of young people towards our prevalent values, history, culture and civilization and to reunite them under a common vision of future.
- To enable young people to gain new experiences through art and improve their sense of solidarity and cooperation.
The Format and Programme Details
The 2 days international programme is expected to bring young people together to contribute to the success of the event and explore different cultures. The programme will be a combination of;
- Professional singing and musical arts
- Professional dance and performing arts
Participants are allowed (if desired) to bring their traditional clothes and authentic national items to be showed among participants and other attendees of the Festival.
Application and Selection Process
The final selection will be made by the organizing team according to the criteria described below;
- To be a citizen of the OIC Member States or representative of Muslim community in non-OIC Member States;
- Aged 18-30;
- Involved in/coordinated any creative youth art project,
- Active in community services,
- Motivated to attend the full duration;
**** Application forms should be sent in the format of DOC file to this email address: fescapitale@mjs.gov.ma Please also take note that all the participants should fill the participation application form up and attach it to their email.
Travel: Participants are to cover themselves round trip travel expenses from his/her own country to Fez city including the visa, medical and travel insurance and personal expenses.
Accommodation and other costs: Host organization will cover domestic transportation, accommodation, food and other costs related to the festival.
*** For further questions, please contact at Email: fescapitale@mjs.gov.ma and Phone: +212 537 68 00 28
The Festival’s Timeline:
Deadline: 1 November 2017 at 23:59 according to Rabat Time.

The Muslim Future Thinkers Forum ‘’In the Light Mulla Sadra’’ International Academic Conference, under the “Shiraz – OIC Youth Capital 2017” International Programme, will be held in Shiraz, Islamic Republic of Iran, on 20-23 July 2017. The event is jointly organized by Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Shiraz University under the theme of “Rethinking the Ummah in the Light of Mulla Sadra” with the participation of prospering and well known Muslim Scholars from several universities and academic Institutions based in Muslim majority countries.
ICYF, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) youth Institution, launched a new intellectual platform, the Muslim Future Thinkers Forum (MFTF), with the goal of bringing together prominent senior and junior scholars of the Muslim world to express and exchange their ideas in the format of an academic forum every year. The Forum seeks not only to gather together leading intellectuals of the Muslim world to reflect collectively on the issues facing Muslims today but also to establish worldwide Muslim intellectual networks of cooperation and youth voluntarism to prepare future scholars and leaders. To do so, the Forum adopts a distinctly interdisciplinary perspective to garner insights from Islamic sciences, social sciences and humanities. It may be mentioned here that the Forum is one of the fourteen actions under the chapter of Joint Youth Action Plan adopted by the 3rd Session of the Islamic Conference of Youth and Sports Ministers (5-7 October, 2016, in Istanbul).
The three-day conference will address various aspects of concern to the Muslim world, particularly rethinking the opportunities and challenges faced by it, as well as focusing on the essence of Mulla Sadra’s message.

Putrajaya, Malaysia
In the framework of the Putrajaya – OIC Yout
h Capital 2017 international programme, the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Malaysia in partnership with Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), an international institution affiliated to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), is organizing the “OIC BATTLE OF SUMOROBOT & TVET CONFERENCE FOR INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION” in Putrajaya (Malaysia), on 23-24 May, 2017.
- To produce a generation of educators and learners who are creative and competitive in line with the aspiration in robotic field towards directing a first class human capital with a “towering personality”.
- To foster unity and encourage exchange of views among the participants of the local youth and the OIC youth participants who have strength in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
- THE PARTICIPATION OF THE OIC BATTLE OF SUMOROBOT & TVET CONFERENCE FOR INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION – PUTRAJAYA OIC YOUTH CAPITAL 2017 MUST consist of respective OIC countries. Participants involved in SumoRobot Competition are also obliged to attend TVET Conference for Industrial Automation on the following day.
- All participants must be aged between 15 – 30 years.
- ONLY ONE (1) PERSON PER PARTICIPATION from each OIC country is encouraged where the cost will be borne by the Organizing Committee including :-
- Flight ticket from respective country to Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA/ KLIA2) and return flight ticket from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA/ KLIA2) to their country;
- Twin sharing accommodation with breakfast and dinner provided at the hotel;
- Domestic transportation from the airport to the hotel and the programme venue;
- Meals and refreshment during the programme.
- Accommodation, meals and transportation during programme are provided by the Organizing Committee. The participants are responsible for all personal expenses (such as buying souvenirs, international phone calls, laundry, personal trading and etc). Personal expenditures of preparation for the trip or daily expenses during the stay will not be provided by the Organizing Committee.
- OBSERVERS from participating OIC countries are welcome to attend the programme at their OWN EXPENSES, subject to the relevant provisions of the competition and the rules of procedure. However, the Organizing Committee MAY NOT RESPONSIBLE on the arrangement of hotel accommodation, meals and transportation during their stay in Malaysia.
- Registration
All participants are required to complete the registration form and submit to the Organizing Committee before Sunday, 30 April 2017.
Programme Schedule:
Date : 23rd – 24th May 2017 (Tuesday & Wednesday)
Venue : Dewan Seri Siantan & Bilik Melati, Precint 3, Putrajaya Malaysia
Please refer programme tentative to the Appendix

OIC Young Leaders Recommendations have received approval by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) 13th Summit of Heads of States completed its work on 15 April in Istanbul. Next week OIC Youth Forum will provide a detailed account and analyses of Summit decision and its impact on youth policy. Stay tuned to us and Congratulations to all #OICYoungLeaders, our friends and supporters.