OIC region has almost 1.5 billion Muslims and 1/3 of it is constituted by youth. Carrying a considerable importance and reserving a huge portion of the Muslim population of the region, youth had to have a unique organization uniting them with the sense of solidarity and strengthening brotherly ties in a certain city of OIC member countries each year. This idea led to establishing an OIC Youth Capital under which certain activities, conferences, conventions, festivals and other special events would be held according to the interests and benefits of Muslim youth all year long.

Aiming to empower young people to participate actively in the creation of solidarity among Muslim youth.

The Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum, as the representative youth platform at the Muslim Geography level with 56 Member States from Malaysia to Azerbaijan, is the coordinator of the OIC Youth Forum process and gives legitimacy and credibility to the title.

Local authorities can apply (meaning municipalities or groupings of municipalities, such as a metropolitan area). Local authorities from Member States of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation are invited to submit their application.

Please submit the complete application in English as the working language of the jury is English.

The Programme is envisaged to encompass a chain of activities and events in the field of culture, academic life, youth leadership, entertainment, sports, and youth capacity building within the understanding that the interests and benefits of Muslim youth are celebrated all year long.

For general inquiries, please write us at oicyouthcapital@icyforum.org