“Y-Istanbul 1st OIC Youth Capital Film Awards” was one of the major cultural events of the Istanbul – OIC Youth Capital 2015/16 International Programme. This event was co-organized by ICYF and International Bosphorus Theatre Association as a part of the 3rd International Bosphorus Film Festival and focused on youth. The Gala Ceremony of the 3rd International Bosphorus Film Festival was held on 27 November 2015 in Istanbul and the winners of the “Y-Istanbul 1st OIC Youth Capital Film Awards” awarded during this ceremony.
Theme: “Youth Creativity for Global Solutions”
We expected to receive creative short films that reflect from youth perspective the social problems prioritized (but not limited) as “refugees”, “youth participation”, “globalization and ethical challenges” and “terrorism and violent extremism”.
Participation Criteria: the short films should be either directed by the artists/social activists under 35 or focus on youth issues/perspectives on the subjects mentioned above without any age limit.
1st Place: 5000 USD
2nd Place: 3000 USD
3rd Place: 2000 USD
OIC Youth Capital Special Award: 1500 USD
Deadline for receipt of proposals: 5th November 2015 23:59 (GMT+2)
Evaluation and announcement of results: 16th November 2015
Gala Ceremony of the film festival: 27th November 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey